- The user registers his url (callback)
- When an event happens we call his callback url
Now, this is all simple, but when testing it I need a publicly available (callback) url. But I have a private IP address and I'm behind a firewall. Now, having a new web server just to test if we received some https requests is complicated.
That's how Echo http requests is born. It is a very simple appengine application (in Python, source here). You just create a random string give somebody an url like http://echo-http-requests.appspot.com/push/YOUR_RANDOM_STRING_HERE.
Later, you can retrieve all the requests received on that url with http://echo-http-requests.appspot.com/pull/YOUR_RANDOM_STRING_HERE .
The result is a simple JSON structure with all the headers, http method and body.
In addition, you can use http://echo-http-requests.appspot.com/echo to get information about your own request.
BTW, Echo-http-requests is free, but... It runs on a free appengine quota. If your usage is too heavy, please download the code and run your own instance.
BTW, Echo-http-requests is free, but... It runs on a free appengine quota. If your usage is too heavy, please download the code and run your own instance.
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