Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Golang GPX library

My golang port of gpxpy is finished, it's called (guess, guess...) gpxgo.

The first version of the port was done by Peter Vasil and I decided to continue from there. But my main aim was to implement a complete GPX 1.0 and GPX 1.1 specification. But, since his library was based on an older version of gpxpy, it was difficult to "reconcile" the different object models --so, I decided to change the library API. And this is how a new library is born.

Usage example:

import (

gpxBytes := ...
gpxFile, err := gpx.ParseBytes(gpxBytes)
if err != nil {

// Analyize/manipulate your track data here...
for _, track := range gpxFile.Tracks {
    for _, segment := range track.Segments {
        for _, point := range segment.Points {

// (Check the API for GPX manipulation and analyzing utility methods)

// When ready, you can write the resulting GPX file:
xmlBytes, err := gpxFile.ToXml(gpx.ToXmlParams{Version: "1.1", Indent: true})
Like gpxpy, gpxgo includes a command line utility to get some basic stats from .gpx files:

$ gpxinfo Mojstrovka.gpx
File: /Users/puzz/golang/src/
GPX name:
GPX desctiption:
GPX version: 1.0

Global stats:
 Points: 184
 Length 2D: 2.6958067369682577
 Length 3D: 3.00439590990862
 Bounds: 46.430350, 46.435641, 13.738842, 13.748333
 Moving time: 0
 Stopped time: 0
 Max speed: 0.000000m/s = 0.000000km/h
 Total uphill: 446.4893280000001
 Total downhill: 417.65524800000026
 Started: 1901-12-13 20:45:52 +0000 UTC
 Ended: 1901-12-13 20:45:52 +0000 UTC

Track #1:
     Points: 184
     Length 2D: 2.6958067369682577
     Length 3D: 3.00439590990862
     Bounds: 46.430350, 46.435641, 13.738842, 13.748333
     Moving time: 0
     Stopped time: 0
     Max speed: 0.000000m/s = 0.000000km/h
     Total uphill: 446.4893280000001

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Cartesius: Simple python coordinate system graphing library

Cartesius is a simple python library for writing coordinate system images. The main reason why I started it was that existing libraries depended on C/C++ modules which are not available on google appengine python SDK. Cartesius has only one dependency -- PIL.

Example usage:

import cartesius.main as cartesius
import cartesius.elements as elements
import cartesius.charts as charts

coordinate_system = cartesius.CoordinateSystem()

# list or tuple of two-element tuples (value, label):
piechart_data = ('abc', 1),'cde', 2),'efg', 4),'ijk', 1),'lmn', 5),'opq', 5),'xyz', 3),
piechart = charts.PieChart(data=piechart_data, color=(0, 0, 0))

# No need for axes:
coordinate_system.add(elements.Axis(horizontal=True, hide=True))
coordinate_system.add(elements.Axis(vertical=True, hide=True))
The result is:
More examples in the README.